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2015 US Ambassador visit

2014 Visit from US Ambassador

Ambassador Todd with Spitler School Executive Director, Chea Sarin.
Irvin Spitler, father of the Spitler School founders, was in Cambodia during Ambassador Todd’s visit. Mr. Spitler was responsible for funding the first brick and mortar building on the Spitler School campus.
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US Ambassador, William Todd enjoys visiting with students and staff at Spitler School.

Spitler School was pleased and honored to host a visit from the Honorable William Todd, United States Ambassador to Cambodia.   Ambassador Todd met with our Executive Director, Chea Sarin, as well as teachers and students at the school.  He also met with Irvin Spitler, the father of school founders, Danny and Pam Spitler.

We appreciate Spitler School’s Volunteer Coordinator, Susan Galliher, for her efforts to arrange and coordinate this visit with the ambassador’s staff.

The Spitler School Story – On Amazon

Cambodia’s School of Hope

The new book CAMBODIA’S SCHOOL OF HOPE is now available on  Our thanks to the author, Norm Schriever and his staff for generously donating their time and talent to the writing and publishing of this book, which includes photos and essay’s from Spitler School children, a history of the school, and Mr. Schrievier’s observations during his time in Cambodia.   To order this book please go to and enter the title or the authors name in the search box or you can click the link in the list to the left.

Spitler School Honored at the White House

Danny & Pam Spitler at the White House

On behalf of the staff and donors at Spitler School Danny and Pam Spitler were presented with the Champions of Change award presented at the White House in Washington DC.  Danny & Pam were guests of Kiwanis International who nominated the Spitler School project for this award.  They attended a reception at the U.S. Senate the evening before the presentation at the White House.