In April Sarin and the Spitler School teachers initiated a new environmental program, which we are sure will make a difference in the lives of the students, and the village in general.
As with most poor countries, with little or no infrastructure, there is normally a huge problem with garbage. In the poorest villages, like the one surrounding Spitler School, trash containment is not a priority as the villagers struggle day to day, just finding enough food and shelter to survive. However, the lack of sanitation only compounds the health problems faced by our students and their families.
At Spitler School the staff has organized a program whereby the students participate one day a month in an organized effort to collect and burn the garbage that litters the village. We are hopeful that the students will be setting an example for the rest of the village. With a vibrant school, a new road, and a cleaner village we hope that every family, in the village of Ang Chagn Chass, will begin to see that there is a brighter future ahead for the children and the whole village.
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