I have been looking forward to sharing plenty of good news in this newsletter as the Spitler School began its fifth year of operation serving the primary educational needs of the children living in and around the village of Ang Chagn Chass near Siem Reap.
Unfortunately, just as school was scheduled to begin all of Southeast Asia was struck by a devastating typhoon. On September 30 Typhoon Ketsana roared into Cambodia causing rivers to overflow their banks damaging roads and dams, thousands of acres of rice fields, and hundreds of houses. Among the victims of the horrible flooding was our special family. Sarin and Mary, along with 7-year-old Vita and 11-month old Vitee, had to flee their house as the roads and buildings of Siem Reap filled with water after the city’s river overflowed its banks. Their modest home, where Sarin and Mary have hosted us with their warm hospitality, filled with a meter of flood water, and after ten days they are still waiting for the last of the water to drain away from their home.
7-year-old Vita in front of her flooded home
Flooded road that leads into the school
We are still awaiting new reports, but it appears that the school survived the storm with little or no damage. We are now very grateful for our decisions to replace the wood and thatch buildings with our new, strongly constructed classrooms, as the older buildings might not have survived this storm, which is being called the worst storm to hit Cambodia in the past 50 years.
While the school seems to have survived in good shape we remain concerned for the families of our students, and we hope to learn soon how much damage was sustained by the homes around the school. We are concerned that the immense damage to Cambodia’s rice fields might lead to food shortages, and we know that our students will be exposed to disease from the polluted waters. Sarin reports that at least 20 of our students have been taken to the Angkor Children’s Hospital for treatment.
Damaged roads are making it difficult for villagers to get to their jobs in the city, and of course the flooding has resulted in the cancellation of tour groups, which adds more damage to the local economy. Another casualty of the storm was the day of medical exams scheduled for our students. Several months ago Sarin arranged to have a medical team from the Angkor Children’s Hospital visit the school and give our students medical exams, following up on exams performed almost two years ago in January 2008.
Unfortunately, the road conditions prevented the team from getting to the school, and with the large number of children entering the hospital with storm related health issues the medical team has not been able to reschedule their visit.
We will continue to look forward to Sarin’s reports as our thoughts and prayers go out to all of those affected by this horrific storm.
During the summer break Sarin, along with our sixth grade teacher Mr. Dy Samnang, visited the homes of almost all of the sixth grade students. It is our intent, during the school year, to learn what we can about each of our sixth grade students so that we can do our best to make sure they have the opportunity to continue their education next year at one of the government middle schools.
6th Grade teacher Dy Samnang visits with the family of his student
Mary Muy. Mary introduces her teacher to her mother, sister, and brothers.
Just prior to the opening of the school year Sarin suggested that we add some more beauty and protection to the school by putting up four large palm trees which could serve as a wind break. With the ferocity of Typhoon Ketsana this may have been a very good decision. While one of these trees would cost several hundred dollars in Arizona, Sarin secured four of the trees including delivery and planting for $165.

Two days after the storm had struck Sarin and the village commune leader celebrated the grand opening of the fifth school year at Spitler School. The school welcomed 458 students to start the new school year. There will be 60 new kindergarten students in Ms. Vagn Sokhien’s class, which will occupy the new Rae & Kay Spitler Kindergarten Classroom. Other classrooms will be filled with the following numbers: First Grade-120, Second Grade-104, Third Grade-54, Fourth Grade-49, Fifth Grade-42, and our new Sixth Grade will have 29 students who will make up the first graduating class and occupying the new Karsten Schroeder 6th grade classroom.

Pam and I wish to take this opportunity to honor my cousin, Carol Jean Schoenrock, who recently lost her long battle to cancer. We received five donations in memory of Carol’s extraordinary life, which was dedicated to helping others and healing broken lives.
We would also like to take this opportunity to again honor Sarin on the completion of his bachelor’s degree from Siem Reap University. Many of you have had the opportunity to meet Sarin on your travels to Cambodia, and you know first hand that he is a special young man with a good heart, an amazing work ethic, and extraordinary abilities. I am sure that all who have met him, or have learned about him and his family in our newsletters, will join us in congratulating him on this achievement.

On behalf of Sarin and his family, the teachers and children of Spitler School, and of course Pam and I and the Spitler family, we wish to thank and acknowledge those who have provided financial support for the children of Spitler School since our last newsletter in July. Your friendship and financial support are sincerely appreciated.
Joel Armstong, Joan Gilbert & Jake Stern
Kay Spitler
Rae Spitler
Les & Shirley Hoffman
Jerry & Barbara Shapiro
Robert Haushey
Lisa Hoffmeyer
Lou & Claudine Hopper
The following families and individuals donated in memory of Carol Jean Schoenrock
Darin Box & Family
La Shay Ellis & Family
Pat Grappe
Lorine Lippard
Rae Spitler
Danny & Pam Spitler, Directors
Spitler School Foundation
P.O. Box 730
Peoria, AZ 85380-0730