Ready To Support
It is the dedicated support from you, our donors, which has been responsible for approximately 1000 total students graduating from elementary school, a rare educational achievement in this area prior to the establishment of the Spitler School Foundation schools.
Are you ready to fundraise with us? Be creative! Host a charity potluck to share about our schools. Raise donations in conjunction with achieving a challenge, like crocheting for 24 hours straight! Have a yard sale, bake sale, or art sale with proceeds to SSF. We are happy to provide materials and ideas to help.
In addition to standard monetary donations, we also accept direct transfers of appreciated stocks and bonds, as well as direct transfers of Required Minimum Distributions for IRAs. Please contact us if we can provide any additional assistance.
We are happy to send a notice of recognition should you want to donate in honor of, or in memory of, a friend or relative.
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