I am really pleased to be writing this article from Cambodia where I have been visiting the school and the staff for the last several days.  I was also honored to participate in the dedication ceremony of the Stephen Mazujian middle school, which is located near Spitler School and will be a great benefit to the graduating students at Spitler and Kurata Schools.

We are very grateful to our fellow NGO, Global ADE, and its inspirational leader, Kenny King, for their tremendous vision and willingness to build this school. We share our own visionary leader, Chea Sarin, with Global ADE. He continues to amaze us all with this administrative skills, his passion for achievement, and his “can do” approach to every situation. I invite you to view photos of the ceremony and to learn more about the Stephen Mazujian School.

Kenny King speaking
Danny and Sarin outside the new middle school

With each visit I am inspired by the the progress and inspired by the sheer numbers of children that are benefiting from our little school (not so little any more). I also come away more grateful than ever for the many donors who provide the financial support that makes all of this possible.


Danny participating in the ribbon-cutting