While Spitler School carries the name of the family who provided the initial funding, it was a young man named Chea Sarin who has always been the driving force behind building the school, and making it a huge success for the hundreds of children and families of Ang Chagn Village.

After surviving the Khmer Rouge genocide, as a very young boy, Sarin took the initiative to seek a primary and secondary education in the few schools remaining, learn English, start a family, and become a successful tour guide before he became a driving force for children’s education. Additionally, while working multiple jobs, he also managed to earn a bachelor’s degree. After almost 15 years of building, overseeing, and managing Spitler School, Kurata School, and then the Stephen Mazujian Middle School, Sarin has become a well-respected member of the community. He serves on various boards and committees. He is considered a leading proponent for children’s issues, and he is sought out regularly, by local leaders, for his advice and assistance.

As we approach Graduation Day for over 100 students at Spitler School, we want to take a moment to honor the man who has made this possible, and to say Thank You to Sarin and his beautiful family.