There are 8 extraordinary students in the village of Ang Chagn. They are the members of the Class of 2016. And they represent the very FIRST class from Spitler School positioned to graduate high school. What an accomplishment! Their pursuits are not going unnoticed and the pride of their families and the entire village is soaring. The first to complete a high school education! Spitler School Foundation is certainly proud of these young scholars and is so happy to have played a part in helping them achieve their dreams!
Picture: 7 graduates with Sarin
They have beaten the odds, being part of an original group of 26 students who left grade 6 at the Spitler School to go on to middle and then high school. They persevered and now stand at the threshold of receiving coveted high school certificates. Currently, they are working diligently in their studies and are receiving support to get daily tutoring in 4 subjects, in preparation for the highly challenging final examination for grade 12. We wish them well! Adding to the unique nature of this group is the fact that 7 of the 8 students are girls! This is truly amazing because most girls in rural settings drop out of school by grade 8, or earlier.
Would you like to know more about these students and their future aspirations? We will be sending out more details about them in the coming weeks, so “stay tuned”. They all want to pursue higher education, so we will be launching a scholarship program to support these and other future students who wish to attend institutions of higher learning, beyond secondary school. Be on the lookout for some personal interviews and maybe some videos where we explore the journey of the FIRST CLASS.
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