Family members, local ministry and village representatives, teachers, students, and friends all gathered in excitement to watch over 100 students graduate from our Spitler Schools. This was the 10th graduation ceremony for the Spitler Schools, and the Spitler School Foundation could not be more proud of their accomplishment.
To help ensure success as they start middle school, SSF has made it a priority to equip our graduates with a new school uniform, school supplies, and a bicycle. SSF would not have been able to send off our students with these items every year without the gracious gifts of our donors.
While many donations contributed to our graduation ceremony, SSF would like to specifically thank: Wei Lingand her friends and family in Malaysia; Thomas and Daniela Lackner; the students from Florida International University; and Richard Tan. Their consistent dedication to our graduating classes has directly helped remove any impediment to our graduates continuing their education.
Finally, we recognize the hard work and organizational skills of Chea Sarin, the school staff, and the community for planning such a wonderful ceremony to honor these young graduates. It was such a big event that Cambodian National Television (BTV) featured the ceremony in its nationwide broadcast.
Well done!
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