Despite the interruptions and having to distance-learn, students who were attending 6th grade prior to the pandemic will still be graduating to middle school. With that news, we are excited to continue our long-standing tradition of providing our graduates with a bicycle, a uniform, and school supplies to help them transition to their new school! 

We have only just begun to raise funds for this year’s “Bike to the Future” campaign, and we are already thanking some generous donors! Thank you for kickstarting the donations, Carl Wahlin and Luis Braga. And a special shout-out to Wei Ling Tan, who has vigorously supported and fundraised for our 6th-grade graduates for many years.  

Are you ready to help our students Bike to the Future?

This year we have over 110 graduating 6th graders—each needing a new middle school uniform, school supplies, and a new bicycle to travel to the middle school some distance away. Visit our website to donate and you can leave a note to designate the donation to the “Bike to the Future” campaign.