We are excited to share that we are now able to help educate our students all the way through middle school! For the past year, we have been working with our long-time partner, Global ADE, toward combining forces and bringing Global ADE and Stephen Mazujian Middle School (SMMS) under Spitler School Foundation management. Many Spitler School graduates attend SMMS, and we are so happy we can now stay with our students a few more years in their education and watch them grow.
We welcome all of you who supported Global ADE Founder, Kenny King, and Global ADE, and we hope that you will continue your generous support of SMMS and Global ADE’s mission through the Spitler School Foundation. Please, feel free to contact us directly with any questions or thoughts on this merger. We would love to share with you all about it. If you want your donation to be designated to SMMS, you can write a note indicating so through the Donate button on our donation page.

COVID-19 and Cambodia
Of course, we are concerned for all of our staff and students in Cambodia. The government ordered all schools closed a few weeks ago, and as early as January 27, our staff was distributing masks and training our students on preventative measures. We are hoping that the early measures will be effective in protecting our staff and students.

Thank You For Your Support
Thank you, everyone, for the generous financial support you provided at the end of 2019. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing support as we continue to educate our elementary school students at Spitler School and begin supporting the students and staff at Stephen Mazujian Middle School.
To our many friends and donors, we hope that you are weathering this health crisis along with all the disruptions it is causing in our lives. Please stay safe and take care of each other.
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