It was 2013 when we first met Olympian Tracy Evans, and we were introduced to her amazing organization, Kids Play International. Using sports programs as a vehicle, KPI trains local coaches to teach gender equality, respect, fair play, inclusion, and the value of education. After five years of hard work and planning, in October 2018, KPI introduced their Cambodia initiative with a well-trained team of local coaches.
The coaching team and their KPI leaders held their first ever sports day in Cambodia with Spitler and Kurata School students, as well as from Stephen Mazujian Middle School, on October 27. Katey Lippett, KPI’s Cambodia Program Director, stated:
While we came here to train and motivate our new coaches, we leave this week captivated by their passion. I feel so thankful to continue working with this incredible group of humans. The best is yet to come for these coaches, and I’m excited to be a part of it. I think Tracy Evans said it best in her teary-eyed, bittersweet goodbye: “Being here has inspired me. You all have inspired me. You make me want to … work so hard for all of you. You all are going to change this country.”
Please read more about KPIs mission and accomplishments at:
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